
Just My Lil' Organic Life: As Promised, My Steamy Hot Buns For ALL To See.

As Promised, My Steamy Hot Buns For ALL To See.
Although nobody came close to even smelling my Steamy Hot Buns, i'm still giving it away for free. See how generous i am.

I havent made these for more than a year. So, those of you who favor steamed buns over their baked cousins will love this. I've sold a lot of these last year, but with Gordon around, it's difficult trying to get anything done at all. I cheated and used the breadmaker for the kneading and rising save for the final round of shaping and rising. Just use the wholemeal setting. Best when steamed in those bamboo steaming racks, trust me. I've tried them all.

Those who love to knead, go ahead and make my day. My only request is that you post a pic of you enjoying it for my viewing pleasure. Can or not?


400g flour
100g wholemeal flour
100g sugar
100g margarine
1 pkt instant yeast
1tsp salt
1 tsp greentea powder
270-280g water
Knead 10 - 15 minutes
Rise 40 - 50 minutes
Knead 10 - 15 minutes
Make 10 50g balls
Rise 30 - 40 minutes
Steam 10 minutes

You can tweak the recipe for variety. I use 250g flour:250g wholemeal for more bite. A healthier version will be to substitute stevia for sugar, butter for margarine & milk for water.

Using steeped greentea bags will yield brownish buns. Therefore i use greentea powder instead. You'll get wonderfully delicious green-tinged bun. I love them plain. For the more adventurous, make red bean paste as filling when you make them into balls. Eat them immediately.... mmmmm. Gawd, writing this is making me very hungry. Dying for a bite of this.

I use organic ingredients whenever possible. Buy the best. I will pre-measure all the dry ingredients and butter into Tupperwares and put them into the fridge and take them out only when i want to make them. Remember to bring them to room temperature. Add the milk/water and yeast only when you begin kneading. Adjust the milk/water according to texture.

The longer you knead it, the better it becomes. So, dont be lazy. Practise makes perfect.

Just My Lil' Organic Life: As Promised, My Steamy Hot Buns For ALL To See..

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